Legos no longer just for kids

Kessler agrees that Legos make perfect gifts as she has several flower Lego sets on display.

Now most people would think “You’re 19 years old, why do you want a Lego set when all it’s going to do is just sit there.” Well, I am so glad you asked, the reason I want a Lego set is because it gives me something to do for an extended period of time.
Think of it this way, when an artist constructs a piece of art it takes them hours, days, weeks, months, years, to complete. And all it does is sit there, but it’s a beautiful piece of artwork. Legos are the same thing.
I’m not talking about the Lego sets that are dedicated to little kids, although many adults enjoy those types of Lego sets. The ones I am talking about in particular are the adult Lego sets like the Eiffel Tower, the Lego Flower sets, the Atari 2600, etc.
Not only are Legos good gifts for collectors, it is also a good gift to give for your significant other. About two years ago, my significant other gifted me a Lego flower set that they built for me. Upon receiving this gift they told me that real flowers die within one to two weeks, but these Lego flowers will never die. *hint hint, great valentines day gift*
Say you are into architecture and historical landmarks, well there’s Lego set for those as well. For example there is the Eiffel Tower, the Titanic, they even have the Colosseum. But those sets are usually over $100, but there are many other affordable ones as well.
Along with that, there’s even Lego sets from shows and movies. For example you can have the “Friends” apartments and coffee shops, or you can get “The Office” Lego set, you can even get the “Back to The Future” or “The Ghostbusters” cars.
Speaking of cars there are also numerous car sets like the Vespa 125, or the Chevrolet Camaro Z28. If you’re into vintage video games, they have sets of those as well.
Although many people would think that Legos are for kids, they can also be for adults as well. And like I said before, they make a really good gift for your friends, family, significant others, or for that one random person at a white elephant Christmas party.