Left to right: Sophomore Isaiah Lohmann, Junior Gabe Keith, and Sophomore Benjamin Miller test their luck.
Get your poker chips out, and your poker face on because the Student Programming Board (SPB) just held another successful Glow Casino on Feb. 2. Senior and member of SPB McKenna Revis, states that there were enough people to fill every blackjack table as well as all the other games.
“I think my favorite part is seeing everyone getting to enjoy it,” Revis said. “The setup and planning was hard but seeing everyone enjoy not only the event but also the prizes was such a joy and I love being able to provide a good memorable experience for those who came.”
Over the past years, SPB has held the Glow Casino and every year more and more students attend. This year, as Revis explained, every single table was filled with people, along with that the lines for the majority of the games were quite long.
“They’re passionate about making Doane a place where people can have fun and socialize outside of their normal classes and groups,” Revis said. “We also had a lot of help from Tau Sigma Zeta [fraternity] which made a huge difference in getting it up to par.”
Revis also explained how there are minor things that SPB needs to change about the Glow Casino but everything else and how they as an organization handle things went well.
“I have had a big part in executing the plans we have for this event and this year we learn some things that need to change,” Revis said. “When I joined SPB, no one had a clue what they were doing, but now between Glow Casino, Foodie Series and some of the other events, people are starting to understand what we do.”
SPB gave away $1,500 worth of prizes. Some of the prizes were TVs, Airpods, a Stanley cup, Hydroflasks, Doane merchandise, plushies, Legos and a couple of stationery items. Along with that, there were also SPB shirts that students could decorate as well.
After another successful Glow Casino, SPB is excited to see what next year’s turnout is going to look like along with all the other activities they have planned.