Leadership applications open

Student Leadership Applications are now open. These applications include positions such as Orientation Leader, Student Programming Board Team Leader, Doane Ambassador and more.

Applications for these positions opened on Jan. 29 and will be closing on March 1. Academic Specialist and Tiger Mentorship Program Coordinator Blake Tobey, who is a part of the leadership team committee, explains the process of how you could potentially become a part of the leadership team.

“Since Doane builds leaders, the university really wants to highlight the jobs that really built that leadership capacity,” Tobey said. “So we get a bunch of campus managers together to talk about things like, which of our jobs are leadership jobs and then how can we streamline the process so students are able to apply for a lot of jobs in an easier way, which also allows us to provide more opportunities to more students.” After March 1, the committee will be having interviews with these potential candidates all throughout the month of March, and on April 21 will be the Student Leadership training.

“In the spring, it is going to be like a five-hour-long training,” Tobey said. “This is where we, as student leadership managers on campus, are going to talk about what are some of the skills that all student leaders are going to need. The reason we are doing this is so we can try to train everybody all at once because most of our student workers have more than one on-campus job, so instead of going through the exact same training multiple times, this makes it a lot easier for them.”

Along with these jobs, they will also help students in a variety of different ways, whether it be managing your time better or meeting new people.

“It helps students get better time management because you are required to schedule yourself for your job, but also knowing well when am I going to do homework and that’s a really valuable skill that everybody needs to have,” Tobey said. “But another thing that is really great about these particular jobs is that it’s a great networking opportunity, so when students are getting jobs on campus, they’re meeting new faculty and new staff that they may never have interacted with and those connections are going to help you in the future.”

Students who do not feel qualified for this position can still apply. Qualifications for many of these positions include being flexible and willing to learn.

“I think some things that would apply to all jobs could be, like, candidates who are very open and willing to learn and are very coachable,” Tobey said.

These applications are available to any student at www.doane.peopleadmin.com and will be closing on March 1. Students who have worked one of these positions throughout the semester will have to reapply for the next semester. If you have any questions or would like to know more about these positions, contact quinton.geis@doane.edu.


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