The one thing that is certain about the world is that it is contradictory. For instance, why do the most honest people consider themselves the greatest of liars, or why do the strong consider themselves weak? It’s a contradiction of what others see versus what they see about themselves.
The reason for this contradiction in human nature is attributed to each individual seeing their greatest strengths as a weak spot of theirs and doing everything in their power to correct that blind spot.
In turn, they typically over correct and become fully the thing that they were lacking about themselves. As an example, somebody who used to be more introverted probably saw their introversion as a weak point in their personality and did everything to correct it, and in the end, they became the exact opposite of that perceived weak spot.
To add clarity to this idea, it is best exemplified when a person is overly humble and downplays all of their achievements because they still see their strengths as a weak spot.
It does, however, apply when a person takes on a typically negative attribute to their personality, but it often is not considered contradictory at that point.
Another point to add to this is that the contradictory human nature also applies to our feelings. On one hand, most people would agree that being physically alone and just taking care of business is a good thing, while also contrasting that with the held truth that being a part of a community and helping others is a good thing as well, it’s all very contradictory.
This rant shall end with one final note: read Dostoyevsky’s “Notes from The Underground,” where the focal point of this novel was the contradictory nature of wanting to be alone and also having a yearning for community.