Relay for Life, one of Doane’s largest events, is just right around the corner.
On April 5, students, faculty, staff and members of the Crete community gather in the fight against cancer.
Relay for Life event will be held on April 5 starting at 6 p.m. in Fuhrer Fieldhouse.
The goal this year is to raise $35,000 for the American Cancer Society. To achieve this goal, people can sign up to be part of “teams.” To join a team, it is a cost of a minimum $15 with the exception of half-price signups.
Last semester, in September, the Relay for Life team hosted a half-price signup day where the cost to sign up was only $7.50. Those who missed the half-price day in the fall can expect more of these days. The upcoming days in March are from March 17 through March 23, according to senior Kamryn Plock.
To sign up for a team, register a team or donate to a team the Relay for Life website has all of the information a person would need at bit.ly/doanerelay.
As of right now, Doane University has raised just over $6,800. In addition to signing up for teams and donating online, the actual event will feature booths hosted by various teams.
The booths may be selling baked goods, making food such as pancakes or walking tacos, host carnival games or face painting. For all of these different activities, members of the Doane and Crete community can pay for the food, game or activity they take part in. All proceeds will go toward the American Cancer Society.
Groups intending on signing up to host a booth need to register with Assistant Director of Leadership and Service Eric Jones by March 29.
In addition to various groups on campus preparing for Relay for Life, the Relay for Life team and executive members are preparing as well.
Jones has been working with Head Chair of the Doane University/ Saline County Relay for Life senior Payton Detavernier and Director of Career, Leadership and Service Development Quint Geis to make sure all executive committee chairs and advisors are “supported, motivated and amped up for the big day.”
“I am here to ensure that everything is being routed to the appropriate committee chair and stepping in to let out fires,” Jones said.
Any questions about the big day or registering a booth for an event can be directed to Jones or Detavernier.