For once, I thought that hot takes could consist of useful information for some people. I feel like (and I’m basing this off personal experience only) that a lot more people would have houseplants if they just knew how to take care of them. However, the fear of killing this pretty plant is enough to put them off ever purchasing one.
Now anyone who’s seen my apartment knows I have a lot of plants — 19, to be exact — and I am absolutely horrible at taking care of them sometimes. In the process of owning plants, I’ve come to find some that are far more forgiving than others, which can be helpful for new time plant owners. So without further ado, the plants I believe are best for beginners…
Aloe Vera — This is the easiest plant for people who have: little access to direct sunlight, forget to water, don’t realize they should wipe the dust off of leaves or have no idea what fertilizer is. You could put one of these on a shelf somewhere near a window and water it once a month, and it’ll grow for years and years.
Swedish Ivy — I would give this a very similar review of aloe and they’re so beautiful, they make you seem like a much more sophisticated plant owner. With a good dose of water every couple of weeks and access to some sunlight, they’ll be spreading out of control.
Snake Plant — I personally am more susceptible to overwatering plants because I feel like they can’t survive without water that long (you’ll notice cacti are not on the list). I fall victim to that problem with these plants sometimes, but the nicest part is that it doesn’t kill the whole thing! It’s so forgiving, only one leaf will turn yellow and you know not to water it for a while.
Succulents — These are basically smaller versions of aloe, but I find they’re much easier to overwater because they require next to none (see above about said overwatering problem). Once every other month seems obscure to leave a plant without water, but if you’re really, really bad at remembering, then this could be the one for you.
Spider Plant — These need to be watered every other week and should have access to a fair amount of sunlight. For that reason, these could make it much harder to ease your way into the plant world as a beginner.
Philodendron — I haven’t quite figured out the trick to these yet. I know the one I have isn’t thriving, but it’s not dying, but it could be? The fact that it’s not dead makes me want to rank it higher because it’s been very forgiving, but also it might be dead? (I don’t think it is… but like ???)
Air Plant — I did SO MUCH research to own one of these, and I still couldn’t get it to thrive. I really don’t get them at all, no matter how much I love the appeal of them.
Ponytail Palm — If you have an animal, do NOT get these. It will be digested before you even finish putting the potting supplies away.

Top left: Aloe plants are one of the easiest plants to take care of. Top middle: air plants are one of the most challenging plants to care for according to Kessler. Top right: philodendron plants can be tricky in terms of keeping it alive. Bottom left: Swedish ivy are similar to aloe plants in that they are easy to care for. Bottom middle: spider plants need to be watered frequently and can be challenging. Bottom right: Snake plants can survive overwatering.