Housing applications for the 2024/25 academic year have opened up for students. Students who wish to live on campus must complete their application via eRezLife. The application includes who you wish to room with, which dorm you want to live in, and whether or not you need any accommodations for your housing.
If you wish to have your application placed into a lottery for housing, the application is due on April 14. The lottery will allow you to be placed in the dorm you wish to be placed in, any student who loses the lottery or misses the deadline will be housed in whichever rooms are left after the lottery. The lottery is based on completed credit hours and allows students to view, favorite and choose preferred rooms.
Students in the New Hall have priority in securing the same dorms they currently have for next year if all of their suitemates indicate that they are coming back or if they indicate who will be taking the place of anyone who is leaving. Students have until April 8 to indicate their plans for staying in the New Hall. If they fail to submit a plan for their dorm, every room not claimed will be subject to the lottery system for housing.
Students who wish to live off-campus can pay a $100 late fee for applying for off-campus housing. If you are currently living off-campus and wish to live off-campus, you must apply for off-campus housing and be cleared to live off-campus.
On campus applications are due April 8.
Any questions on housing can be directed to doanehousing@doane.edu or Director of Residential Life and Education Brian Stutz at Brian. Stutz@doane.edu.