Now, you might be wondering, did I seriously spend $1.99 on a game that I could play on cool math completely free? Yes, I did, but you want to know why I did? Well, the primary reason is that the $1.99 version doesn’t have ads.
If you are wondering what game I am referring to, I am referring to “Papa’s Freezeria.” You know, that game mostly all of us played during computer time in elementary school. But let me tell you that the game teaches you so much.
This game gives you an insight into what it is like working in a fast-food restaurant, how you have to be precise on what goes into what smoothie. The amount of time it takes you to make said things, while also making sure you don’t get new customers. Honestly, it is a game that shows you how to manage your time essentially and how to work under pressure.

Once a common game played on elementary computers, “Papa’s Freezeria” is still a moment of fun and nostalgia.
But what if you don’t want to make smoothies? Well, if you haven’t been playing this game all your life, you should probably know that there are other foods you can make too, like sushi, cupcakes, pizza, wings and many others.
Now I barely have time to play the game; however, I go to that game whenever I am really, really, really bored, and you know what? I really don’t care. Now the only reason I downloaded this game was that I was going on a seven-hour road trip during winter break with my parents, and quite honestly I didn’t want anyone to talk to me, so what better way to keep me occupied, am I right?
Not like you care or anything, but after winter break I became a rank-nine marshmallow pro, so clearly I know what I am talking about. So while the people who live above me in Sheldon play their games that make them want to throw things across the room, I will be in my comfortable bed playing “Papa’s Freezeria,” screaming into my pillow when I mess up an order.