Relay for Life out of this world

Photos by Elenna Koenig | The Doane Owl
(Left) A Relay for Life attendee puts a glow stick in a paper bag in memory of someone lost to cancer as part of the Lumineria ceremony. (Right) Those battling cancer and their caregivers stand in front as the audience cheers them on.

On April 5, well over one hundred Doane students and staff in addition to Crete community members gathered in the Fuhrer Fieldhouse to raise money to fight cancer with the theme being “Let’s abduct cancer out of this universe.”

Relay for Life is an annual event where teams of people from the Doane and Crete community gather together to raise money that goes directly to the American Cancer Society. This year, the goal for the Doane University/ Saline County’s Relay for Life event was to raise $35,000.

In order to try to meet that goal, teams spent weeks leading up to the event fundraising in various ways. Then, on the day of the event, teams hold booths where they sell food, products, games or some type of entertainment to fellow Doane and Crete community members.

Examples of some of the booths included Omega Psi Theta sorority selling Redbull and lemonade infusions, Chi Delta sorority selling quesadillas and Delta Kappa Pi selling the chance to egg, pie or wax one of their members.

All 8 of Doane’s sororities and fraternities were represented in Relay for Life with their own teams. In addition to Greek Life, other teams included student organizations such as People for the Rights of Individuals of Sexual Minorities (PRISM) and the Agriculture Club; sports teams such as Softball, Volleyball and Football; other Doane departments and community members.

“I think Relay went really well this year. My favorite part was the participation from the Greek groups and the community,” Head Chair of the Doane University/Saline County Relay for Life and senior Payton Detavernier.

In addition to the booths, the Relay event also hosted fun activities such as a dodgeball tournament. There were also more meaningful activities for cancer survivors, caregivers and those lost to cancer.

By the end of the night, the Doane University/Saline County Relay for Life raised just shy of $30,000. Despite the fact that this was not quite the goal, many are proud of the accomplishment.

“It feels awesome to know that even as such a small campus that we still were able to raise that large of an amount of money,” Detavernier said.

In addition to raising money, Relay for Life honors and connects with so many.

“Being part of the executive committee is so fulfilling. Relay has a special place in my heart. My grandma who is a 12-year breast cancer survivor was there and so it was really special to be able to have her there to support,” Relay for Life Committee Member sophomore Addison Rosno said.

This event not only serves to raise money but also serves as a reminder that everyone has been affected by cancer in some way or another, making this such a powerful event to many.

“You can really see the impact that relay has for those survivors, especially ones who are close to you,” Rosno said.


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