Members of Chi Delta, CAPE, and Tau Sigma Zeta take photo together after event.
On April 28, the Campus Advocacy Prevention and Education (CAPE) Project, Chi Delta Sorority, and Tau Sigma Zeta Fraternity teamed up to conclude Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) with their final event, #STEPS4THEM, a 5k fun run or 1-mile walk in support of survivors. The event had a four-dollar entrance fee and donated its proceeds to Hope Crisis Center, a non-profit organization committed to empowering victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Crete.
“The turnout was amazing. I heard multiple people saying this was the biggest turnout we’ve ever had, so that is absolutely amazing. I think we had 60 to 70 walkers and runners show up with multiple different affiliations,” freshman and Chi Delta member Delaney Catron said.
Catron emphasized why it is essential to support events like the Hope Crisis Center because they help local victims and it fosters community in Crete. Catron hopes that this event and SAAM as a whole can give credence to victims and survivors.
“It is important to be informed of what to do, because of course you would want to help the ones you care about,” Catron said. “These events help provide resources to go to when you or someone else needs help.”
Catron was among several students who ran in the event, and said that the experience was exciting considering she was able to run with students she normally would not run with as she does both Cross Country and Track. She felt a new sense of community and bonding as she had conversations with people who she normally would not be around.
“I had some great conversations with people that I’ve never talked to before, and everyone had amazing stories. Events like these build the community by giving people of different backgrounds an opportunity to share their lives,” Catron said.
With SAAM ending CAPE hopes that students know they have campus wide resources for any student who experiences sexual assault or harassment and they can reach out to CAPE Project Director Jaden Hilkemann at jaden.hilkemann@doane.edu for support or resources.