As my time writing hot takes come to an end, I continue looking for more and more random things to rank. To be completely honest, I’m kind of running out of ideas and the one thing circling my brain today is the saying “senior superlatives.”
Here’s the thing though: there’s a lot of seniors. I can’t think of a most-likely-to for every single senior this year, so I decided to reframe this and do superlatives for each building on campus. Don’t worry, I’ll include a bit of reasoning, but these are incredibly random so don’t come after me for these.
Fuhrer Fieldhouse: Most athletic
I feel like this could be a toss up between Haddix and the Fieldhouse, but I chose the Fieldhouse for two reasons. The first is that Haddix has a bit more classes hosted there than the Fieldhouse, and the second is that I am on the track team… of course I think our building is the most athletic.
Haddix: Most likely to break a record
Haddix is definitely the one who will get really into extreme sports or hobbies and try to set a bunch of different records. Now that doesn’t mean they’ll set one, but they’ll give it their best effort.
Lied: Best Dressed
Have you seen the view from the end of the bridge? Tell me that is not one of the most picturesque places on campus, and you would be wrong. I said what I said.
Communications: Most likely to host a talk show
Communications…communicating as in talking…a talk show. Do I need to say more?
Perry: Life of the party This guy (I think Perry might identify as male) is always at the center of everything. I mean, the most serious case of FOMO I have ever seen and this makes this place quite the party animal.
Art and Ed: Most likely to succeed
This building just radiates a level of class and dignity that seems like a very successful lawyer. Or maybe a professional speaker that gives Ted Talks.
Padour Walker: Most likely to be president
Something about this building gives presidential vibes. It’s old enough (political zinger), it has a professional look, and it seems wealthy. All things needed to be an American president these days.
The Con: Class Clown This seems rather self-explanatory. Who’s most likely to joke around and put on a show? Maybe the building with the theatre department?
Gaylord: Most likely to have 10 cats
I basically live in this building and it radiates antique collecting, cat owning energy. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I think anyone who’s frequently in Gaylord would agree.