Student athlete sets high standards

Photo by Elenna Koenig | The Doane Owl
Pictured during a dual against York College, sophomore Cristelle Rodriguez easily dominates her opponent as one of the best in her age and weight class.

From a young age, not a lot of people know what they want to do during their lifetimes, especially when it comes to sports. For sophomore Cristelle Rodriguez, she knew she wanted to be a wrestler.

“When I was younger, I used to watch my older brother wrestle, and it fascinated me,” Rodriguez said. “I asked my dad several times if I could join in, but he said it was a sport for guys. One day, my brother needed a practice partner, and the coach asked if I could help out as a practice dummy and surprisingly, my dad agreed, and that moment marked the beginning of my journey in wrestling.”

Rodriguez also explains how wrestling has taught her resilience and the importance of perseverance, and even when things get tough, to push through and pursue her goals relentlessly.

“Wrestling has been instrumental in helping me overcome various challenges in life,” Rodriguez said. “It has instilled in me the belief that with dedication and hard work, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.”

Rodriguez is a Cadet Silver World medalist, a two-time California State Champion, a two-time National Champion, a two-time World Team member, an NAIA All-American and Scholar All-American and placed fourth in the U.S. Olympic Team Trials. Rodriguez’s goal is to represent the United States on an Olympic Team and is also working towards becoming a world champion in September.

“I am grateful for everyone who believed in me during a time when I doubted myself,” Rodriguez said. “They know who they are, and their unwavering support has played a significant role in reigniting my passion for wrestling and achieving everything I have accomplished so far. Along with that Doane has also provided me with ample support. They have consistently shown kindness and generosity whenever I’ve needed assistance with anything.”

However, when Rodriguez is not in the weight room or on the mat she is making time for her studies. Rodriguez is an Exercise Science major with a minor in Management. Rodriguez wants to become a crane operator who is involved in constructing skyscrapers and a variety of other projects.


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