(Right) Professors Melanie Ritzenthaler and Brad Johnson talk with students about traveling abroad to London at DeStress Fest.
The English Department is actively planning for an upcoming study abroad travel course that students can participate in during May of 2025.
The travel course known as Literature in London will be led by Assistant Professor of Practice in English Melanie Ritzenthaler and will span 10 days from May 20 to May 29, 2025.
This experience will offer students a chance to visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, visit the oldest university and see the studio where the “Harry Potter” series was made. Not only will they visit some of these attractions, but students will also learn about London and how it impacts literature and art.
“Literature in London will take students through the history of the UK’s finest authors, playwrights, and creative contributions,” Ritzenthaler said.
Professor of English Brad Johnson said that travel is always enlightening and that this trip in particular will lead to a sense of awe.
“We want students to feel the sense of awe that comes from walking the same neighborhoods as some of the most important figures in history and literature,” Johnson said.
Any students in good academic standing who will be currently enrolled in the 2024 to 2025 school year are welcome to attend.
Johnson recommends that students interested have an open mind and intellectual curiosity.
Despite the fact that students will learn a great deal about literature and history, the educational experiences primarily come from eating local food and having conversations with a wide variety of people, according to Ritzenthaler.
To prepare for this trip abroad, students will need to attend some pre-departure meetings in the spring semester. Those interested should also get a jumpstart on getting a passport.
Those who attend this trip will hopefully come away with more than just souvenirs.
“I would love for students to come away with a greater appreciation and understanding of London’s literature, art and culture,” Ritzenthaler said. “In a more general sense, I think students can learn a lot about themselves and their place in the world by virtue of a travel abroad experience.”
Ritzenthaler also emphasizes that Doane offers a travel scholarship and this trip has extra costs removed through the travel provider. Therefore, students will get a lot out of this experience for what they are paying.
Any further questions can be directed to Ritzenthaler at melanie.ritzenthaler@doane.edu or Johnson at brad.johnson@doane.edu.
Students can also find other travel courses or study abroad options by talking with Director of International Programs Tim Burge at timothy.burge@doane.edu.