TRIO hosts meet and greet

Photo by Elenna Koenig | The Doane Owl
First-gen students and faculty meet to enjoy ice cream and wisdom.

On Aug. 13, Doane’s TRIO program hosted a social event designed to have first-gen upperclassmen meet with the first-gen freshmen. Being a first-gen student means that you are the first person in your family to go to a four-year institution.

Oftentimes, being a first-gen student can mean that you can get little to no advice from people with lived experiences when it comes to college. This can be a challenge for students who are trying for a higher education. 

“One of the things that we want to do as people move in is to help them see spaces where they can connect with people with similar backgrounds and so especially with a first-gen background,” Academic Specialist and TRIO Financial Literacy Program Coordinator Rachel Jank said. “If you see people who are upperclassmen or other faculty or staff on campus who are also first-gen, you can feel a little more comfortable knowing you have a place here.” 

The event serves as a good way for the upperclassmen first-gen students to impart their own experiential wisdom on freshmen who are going through the trials and tribulations that freshman go through.

“I want them [the freshmen] to know that they are not alone, that there are opportunities here at Doane, that they can take advantage of, and there are so many resources and people that want to see them succeed,” sophomore Bryan Alvarado said.

The freshmen TRIO members also have a lot to gain from this experience, as they can learn the ropes of college from people with lived experience, something that they couldn’t get at home because they are first-generation college students.

“I am most excited for all of the opportunities and groups that you get to apply for and be a part of the community,” freshman Sierra Hudson said.

Photo by Elenna Koenig | The Doane Owl


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