Council in search of new members

Do you want to make a difference on campus? Do you have ideas for improvement, whether regarding the laundry situations in the residence halls or the food in the cafeteria or even just walking around campus after a long night of studying in the library? Well, President Roger Hughes is looking for people to join the President Leadership Council.

“This President Leadership Council has been happening for all three years since I have been here at Doane,” President Hughes said. “This council began meeting in the second semester of my first year here.”

Student Affairs Vice President Judy Kawamoto is the one who gets the President Leadership Council applications first, which means they are the ones who select who is on that council.

“The number of members for this council is varied, anywhere from eight to twelve,” President Hughes said. “We can have more than that, but generally I am trying to make sure that all different types of students that we have here at Doane are included.”

Last year the council had one student who was not a residential student, and they actually drove down from Lincoln to attend these meetings. Along with that, President Hughes is looking for students who are from Greek life, athletics, music and all different groups here on campus.

“We try to have a wide variety of freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors,” President Hughes said. “I essentially look at the group as a group that can help me with learning what the students’ experiences are like, because that is one thing I take very seriously.”

An example of what this council has done for campus was last year during the construction of Brodie Hall. Students were having trouble finding parking that was close to Smith Hall, and along with that, the lighting over there was not the best. So the students brought that up during the meetings and they were able to provide more lighting in that area for students.

“This is a great way for me to receive feedback from the students who are actually going through all the experiences that we are trying to create to make sure the students are happier,” President Hughes said.

President Hughes also explained how leadership is about taking care of the people so that they can get good results. The deadline for applying is Aug. 28 at 4 p.m., and the first meeting will be held on Sept. 10 at 6:15 p.m.


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