Freshmen share first impressions

After the first couple weeks of classes, the freshmen class is getting used to what being a college student is like. Freshmen Nicole Kenney, Caleb Panning and Jayden Wall all say that their time here thus far has been going well.

“The first couple days have gone pretty well,” Panning said. “I feel like I’ve really started to settle into the groove of things, and I think orientation really helped a lot with that. If I didn’t have orientation, I think I would feel a lot less prepared for this first semester.”

These students’ favorite parts about campus are the amazing natural views, especially when they walk to their classes.

“I’ve enjoyed the nature on campus as well as the various activities to keep everyone involved in one way or another,” Kenney said.

These freshmen also say that Tiger Takeoff helped them get to know campus and meet people early on.

“It did help me to get to know campus and meet people early on,” Wall said. “Although it made orientation feel kind of pointless because it was pretty much all the same stuff.”

Although these freshmen are enjoying their time here at Doane, they are quickly realizing that college isn’t like high school.

“I hope I can really learn how to improve my learning skills,” Panning said. “In high school I could just coast through and get A’s, so that really didn’t prepare me for college. I hope I can improve my learning skills so I don’t fall behind.”

These students also know that if they need help anytime while they are here, they can ask for help from the variety of different resources available on campus.


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