Virtual IDs advancing residence halls

As part of Doane’s effort to improve the residence halls, automatic locks are being installed in every dorm. Hansen has already seen the benefits of said improvements and Frees and Sheldon are currently in the process of this change.

According to Hansen Hall residents, who have been living with these advancements this semester, it is definitely an upgrade. Now that all the suites have their own NFC IDs, it is not necessary to carry a key around. The only issue is that if students leave their phone in their room or it’s uncharged, they must immediately call a CA in order to enter their rooms. Given that they occasionally fail with no apparent reason why, this might be a more frequent issue. But regardless, Hansen residents describe it as a wonderful improvement.

As for Frees Hall students, they are excited to see the new system working and all the upcoming improvements. However, there are some concerns about how smoothly the transition will go as well as how to open doors when locked out. Hopefully, the change will bring more flexibility and better experiences for everyone.

Sheldon is currently undergoing the process of changing to automatic locks. It seems to be going smoothly.

It is an advancement and it seems to be progressing very fast. It is a long-term change for all residence halls and even though there are some concerns everyone seems to enjoy the change.


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