COVID cases appearing on campus

As students return to Doane University, so does COVID-19. “COVID is very active on campus right now, confirmed by COVID tests,” Nurse Jody Yank said.

Sports teams, particularly football and soccer, have been hit hard. Those who test positive are quarantined for 48 hours in their dorms. Director of Health and Wellness Andreea Baker acknowledged there is no space available on campus for dedicated quarantine rooms, and encourages students to quarantine at home if they are able. This situation has raised concerns for those sharing rooms or communal bathrooms with sick students.

“Most cases remain mild and last up to seven days,” Yank said.

Plenty of resources are available for students on and off campus, including in Crete and Lincoln. Baker reflected on Doane’s progress in the four years since COVID-19 first emerged in the United States, stating that it has become comparable to other mild illnesses.

“It [COVID] is easily transmittable but there are ways to keep yourself safe,” Baker said.

She advises students to prevent infection by washing their hands, covering their coughs and getting plenty of sleep.

As the world moves on from COVID, concern grows about a Mpox epidemic. Formerly known as Monkeypox, this virus causes rashes, fever, sore throats and muscle aches, which can appear two to three weeks after exposure. However, Baker believes this virus poses no threat to Doane students, stating that much of the alarm has been unwarranted. A TikTok video that reportedly showed lines for Mpox vaccines in Nebraska was revealed to be misinformation. The footage was actually from a Tim Walz rally. Additionally, most reported cases have been in Africa and health organizations worldwide have been working to prevent the spread.

Vaccines are available for both viruses. Public Health Solutions and Walmart in Crete both offer vaccination services. At this time, Health and Wellness on campus is more concerned with the spread of typical fall illnesses like strep float, flu and common colds. Nurse Yank encourages students to keep their distance from sick peers and to wash their hands regularly, especially before eating. Health and Wellness will have two flu shot clinics available in October. In the meantime, students are encouraged to use the resources available on and off campus.


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