Foodie Series: ice cream

Courtesy graphic | Student Programming Board

On Aug. 27, the Student Programming Board (SPB) hosted the first installment of the Foodie Series. For this edition, the SPB had Chef Shack Butters help students make homemade ice cream.

The process to make ice cream was surprisingly simple: put the ingredients in a bag, shake the bag and viola: ice cream.

“The ice cream was very easy to make,” sophomore Logan Brooks said.

Past installments in the Foodie Series had participants make dishes such as mug cakes, sushi and waffles.

The SPB is an organization with the express purpose of “planning of events and programs that offer quality, diverse, social, educational and innovative activities on campus,” according to  the Doane University website.

The organization is a student-run organization, with faculty oversight.

The flavors were chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and mango.

The first 25 people who showed up to the event received color-changing cups and spoons. The event was held in Lakeside, where the other installments in the Foodie Series were held.

“A surprising amount of people showed up,” Brooks said.

The Foodie Series and other events hosted by SPB serve as ways for students to socialize with people they wouldn’t normally have a chance to interact with in their daily lives.

It can also serve as a temporary hangout spot for students who are already acquainted with one another.

No word yet on when the next installment in the Foodie Series will be held, but this is a multi-year series, so it is safe to say that another installment in this series is on the horizon.


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