Blood drive held on campus

Graphic by Hailey Schweitzer | The Doane Owl

On Sept. 10, Doane hosted its first blood drive of the semester in partnership with the Nebraska Community Blood Bank, one of the largest community blood banks in the United States.

To ensure student and faculty eligibility, all safety protocols were followed, including private screenings prior to donating blood. Consent forms were provided to all participants, ensuring they were aware that they could stop the donation process at any time.

The drive, held in Nyrop Hall, ran from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and saw a steady flow of volunteers throughout the day. Participants were given certificates redeemable for a free pint of a drink or ice cream at local pubs or ice cream shops. However, the cards expire at the end of the month, so volunteers should redeem their rewards before time runs out.

In addition to the blood drive, the Student Health Center hosted the annual Student Health and Wellness Fair. The event featured various health stations, including counseling, the Academic Success Center (ASC) and off-campus resources such as Family Health Services, the Nebraska AIDS Project, Crete Area Medical Center, Omega Chiropractic, Precision Dental, Crete Family Dental and the Hope Crisis Center. This was the second annual fair, marking the continuation of a growing tradition at Doane. Running from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., the fair aimed to inform students about the health resources available both on campus and in the Crete area.

As the semester progresses, it is important for students and faculty to stay healthy. More health events are planned, including flu shots provided by Public Health Solutions, which will be offered on Oct. 1 and 18.


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