Eli Marez drops new single

Graphic by Laura Ruiz | The Doane Owl

Doane sophomore Eli Marez released a new song on Sept. 6. Marez’s new song, “TBK,” is a follow-up to his previous song, “BBL Jiggy.”

Some of the topics of discussion included relaxing, doing things your own way and escaping being an underground artist. The song’s genre is a stark contrast to some of Marez’s other works.

“It would be a rap/hip-hop song but more of a chill vibe rather than an upbeat rap song,” Marez said.

 Some of Marez’s other works include “Can’t Rap Like E,” “Damian Dolla,” “Syracuse” and “Nothing Like the Rest.” These works were more along the lines of the upbeat rap that was aforementioned.

“Actually, this song is the first release song on my new setup. I originally made music off of BandLab and some Apple headphones but over the summer made the investment in some real equipment. The hardest thing I’d say was learning the new software, what I could do with it, and how to get everything to sound correct,” Marez said.

Marez’s other projects also had the struggles of not having a formal producer to help him with mixing.

“I also am self taught in production and basically everything to do with making the music. Learning everything from square one was tough but even with the little knowledge I have even now I think it’s much better than my previous work,” Marez said.

Marez has also released a music video for the new song. While he doesn’t have anything planned formally in the future, he is always writing and recording, and it’s a question of whether it is worth releasing.


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