Hailey Trahern releases album

Graphic by Laura Ruiz | The Doane Owl

Senior Hailey Trahern has released her first album, “Something About the Night,” which is available on all music streaming platforms, including Spotify, Pandora and YouTube. Trahern is a senior at Doane University, majoring in theater. She worked on this album for two years and officially released it on Sept. 7.

Trahern developed an interest in music writing at the age of five and has since learned to play several instruments, including the guitar, clarinet and piano. She began collaborating with singer-songwriter Sofie Zamchick, best known for her voice work in “Wonder Pets.” Zamchick played a significant role in Trahern’s career, encouraging her to enter the studio and start recording.

“Something About the Night” was a passion project for Trahern, but she hopes the album will find success and reach a broad audience. The lyrics were inspired by her personal experiences, with many books also influencing her writing. The album falls within the indie pop genre, with inspiration from artists like Taylor Swift and Czech singer Mikalous shaping its flow.

In the future, Trahern plans to release more music and is currently working with other students on lyrics and collaborations. She offered some advice for students aspiring to release their own music.

“It’s a long process, but take it moment by moment. Remember, you can’t compare yourself to others—stay true to yourself, and things will work out,” Trahern said.

Listeners interested in Trahern’s music can find “Something About the Night” on any music platform and support Trahern by sharing her music. Trahern is also on Instagram (@hailey_Trahern4), where she will post updates about future projects and songs.


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