“Doanecoming” week filled with events

Doane’s yearly homecoming event, titled “Doanecoming,” is finally here. The week of “Doanecoming” is filled with a lot of events hosted by many different groups on campus.

“We had a bigger list of events based off of the past years’ events, like the Big Bucks Bingo, or the Country Dance. We decided amongst those events, and tried to think for the whole student body,” sophomore and chair of the homecoming committee Tyas Menning said.

The kickoff for homecoming was on Oct. 14. The Student Programming Board (SPB) brought in a live comedian, Derrick Knopsnyder, whom the SPB found when they went to a convention. In honor of the kickoff, the main cafeteria was closed, and a barbecue was held in the Cassel Open Air Theatre and Perry Campus Center.

The Alpha Omegas are hosting events, including a socializing event at the Crete Airfield on Oct. 17. All of the events are going on as scheduled, but that doesn’t mean that there weren’t difficulties when planning.

“One of the bigger struggles was just trying to figure out what all of the Doane student body would enjoy. The Doane alumni come up with their theme, and we usually try to structure the student theme around that, but I will say it was especially difficult this year, just due to the Doane alumni’s theme,” Menning said.

Some of the other events that the SPB is putting on this year for “Doanecoming” include Tiger Hoopfest, which is a student versus staff basketball game, a bonfire held at Tuxedo Park in Crete, and the Amazing Race, which is a race for prizes awarded to first, second and third place that total $500.
