Student leadership opportunities out

With a new semester, new leadership and working opportunities for students to work on campus and help contribute to Doane University have opened up. Applications for Student Leadership positions opened on Jan. 26 and will remain open until March 7, with selections for the positions being announced on April 11.

Student Leadership positions can range from summer programs such as Adventure Zone and new student orientation leaders to in-session positions such as shuttle drivers and LAR peer leaders. All available leadership positions are ranked on a scale of involvement, with some positions being more involved than others.

Entry involvement positions include orientation leaders, SPB team members, student affairs office workers and service center customer service representatives. These positions are recommended for students who are interested in leadership positions and are underclassmen or have some larger time commitments that might prevent them from doing larger roles.

Intermediate involvement positions include Adventure Zone mentor, Doane Ambassador, DEI Intern, Relay for Life Committee Chair, Doane Serves Student Leader, Career Consultant, Peer Tutor and the Student Wellness Action Team. These positions ask students to do slightly more work than a beginner position and will sometimes require training, group work and project work.

High-involvement positions include Tiger Peer Mentor, LAR Peer Mentor, Directions Mentor, CAPE Peer Educator, Doane Leadership Educator, SPB Team Leader, Writing Consultant, Tigers on Tour and shuttle driver. These positions ask students to go through some level of preparation and training and are generally more intensive in terms of what they ask of students. It is recommended that students in these positions have good time management skills and are not involved in multiple activities.

The highest involvement activities include the Directions Head Mentor and the Relay for Life Chair. These positions ask the most out of students and are recommended for students who have either extensive leadership experience and a great work ethic. These positions are extremely intensive and require the management of multiple projects simultaneously.

Students can find extensive details about each position and the responsibilities and requirements needed for the position can be found by scanning the QR code for the Student Leadership flier. Again, all positions are currently fielding applications and will remain open until March 7, with selections for the positions being announced on April 11.
