Make the most of study abroad

It is a reality and everyone knows that there are a huge number of international students who come to the United States to do their university studies because it is a great opportunity and this idea has become very popular and attractive. The percentage of international students in this country increases with each passing academic year. However, it does not have the same repercussions and importance as the number of U.S. students who decide to study abroad and pick a different option to realize their university studies.

Some interesting facts were published in the annual Open Doors report by the State Department and the Institute for International Education. In this report, we can see that during the academic year 2023-2024, the U.S. was the country that received the most foreign university students in the world, reaching a total of 1,127,000 of the almost 19,000,000 students enrolled in U.S. universities. This would mean that 6% of the university students were international. At the same time, this record increased by 7% compared to the previous academic year.

On the other hand, a total of 280,716 Americans studied abroad during the 2022-23 academic year, an increase of 48.7% over the previous year. It can be seen that the percentage of Americans going abroad has increased incredibly. Another interesting fact is the top three countries that Americans choose to pursue their studies: the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain.

With all this information, I want to conclude that there is a huge opportunity for American students to study abroad all over the world. Maybe a good option would be to try only a semester or a year abroad and discover a new experience. Not only internationals have the great opportunity to come to this country. Also, I highly recommend giving a chance to this huge opportunity, leaving the comfort zone aside and daring to discover new things. Doane University has some different options about this and would be an awesome idea to try to discover more.
