Doane students tackle midterms

As Doane University’s midterms time is here, students are occupied with studying, juggling their studies, and controlling their stress. After talking to many students, two things became evident: using the library and studying in groups is the best strategy for acing midterms. The vast majority of students interviewed mentioned that studying in groups keeps them engaged, helps reinforce the content, and offers a variety of viewpoints on difficult subjects.  Several students stated that studying alongside peers simplifies understanding and retaining difficult subjects.

The library, with its peaceful settings and group study spaces, is a vital tool for anyone who wants to concentrate and work well.

To assist students in achieving their academic goals, Doane University provides academic support services and peer collaboration. The Writing Center is a vital resource for students who require help with essays, research papers, or other written projects. The Center offers helpful advice on improving academic writing, whether in the areas of idea organization, argument refinement, or grammatical improvement. Additionally, students can get assistance with time management, study techniques, and subject-specific tutoring at the Academic Success Center, which is another essential support system. The Academic Success Center offers individualized support to students who are having difficulty in specific topics or who require further guidance in order to meet their academic objectives.

Many of the people best suited to help students academically were once taking midterms themselves, Associate Director of Career Development Sarah Begay in the Career, Leadership & Service Department was once a student at Doane and hopes students work hard to conquer midterms.

“Know what your strengths are and use those to help you prepare and be successful during midterms.  If discipline is a strength, make sure you are sticking to your study schedule.  If focus is a strength, prioritize what you need to get done and then finish those tasks according to due dates, etc.  If you appreciate input, reach out to friends to create a study group to help you learn content together,” Begay said.  

            Even professors, staff and faculty are mortal though and many of them had to experience the ups-and-downs of learning how to learn. Begay hopes students can lean on her experience and do some of the things she wish she did as a student.

 “I was an average student,” Begay said. “I think my final college GPA was like a 3.15.  I wish I would have used the library more.  I studied in my room in the quads and that environment was often full of distractions.  I should have found a quiet spot in the library and it would have helped me be much more productive.”

Although midterms can be difficult, Doane University students can succeed if they have the proper strategy and tools. Students can position themselves for success by making use of the library, group study sessions, and campus facilities such as the Academic Success Center and Writing Center. They can approach midterms with confidence and provide their best effort if they have a solid support system and productive study habits.
