Student band visits Doane

On March 18, the Student Programming Board (SPB) presented a Coffee Shop Series event featuring live music from Miles Salsar, Mason Buller and Jackson Evi—a band from UNL known as MMA. The band typically consists of Miles Mason and Asher Robinson, but since Asher was unavailable, Jackson stepped in as a replacement for this performance.

They played a fusion of funk and electric music, using drums, bass and electric guitars, and viewers were fully immersed in their sound and rhythm.

During the event, students had the opportunity to create mosaics while enjoying the music. They could choose their own rocks and platters or start with a pre-made kit that included all necessary materials like glue, sponges and a cement mix. Instructions were provided at the front, and assistance was available throughout the activity.

By 8 p.m., due to school being canceled the following day, most students took the opportunity to head out early. Despite this, MMA continued playing for another hour, keeping the energy alive.
