Rush season is upon Doane University

Students at Doane are rushing fraternities and sororities for the first time since 2022. Fraternities and sororities prepared for a wave of new members with a series of Greek events, mixers and open houses in the hopes they can hopefully recruit prospective students to their groups.

Students who are interested in Greek groups join for a variety of reasons, whether they be for community, finding a home away from home, making new friends or following existing friends into Greek Life.

“Everyone’s reason for rushing is very different. For me I didn’t think I was going to rush, but I wanted to see at least what it was about. It wasn’t until the very end that I realized my group was a place that made me feel like I didn’t need to change who I was to be friends with them, and that is when I understood that is what I needed in my college experience,” senior and Gamma Phi Iota rush chair Kiersten Anderson said.

The rushing process is fairly straightforward. After drumming up interest in the fall semester with several events, the rushing process begins in earnest in the second semester. Each group has its first rush party open to anyone interested in their respective group. After the first rush party, members of the fraternities and sororities send out an invite to a select number of people for a second rush party and then a final round of invites for a third rush party. Each rush party makes the pool of potential pledges smaller and smaller.

“I would expect potential new members to step out of their comfort zone and meet new people. It can be scary, but this is how you find the place that is best for you, and that is all each member of each group wants for you,” Anderson said.

Greek life at Doane is different from larger universities, with many of the groups collaborating together and frequently working together. Senior and Delta Kappa Pi rush chair Jason McIntosh emphasizes that Doane Greek culture builds connections between each other.

“Greek Life at Doane is an opportunity to expand your connections and be a part of something bigger than yourself. You get the chance to grow and develop and give back to the community,” McIntosh said.

Those who rushed can expect to hear back from their respective fraternities and sororities about whether or not they made it through the final selection process on Feb. 3. This day is known as bid day. Groups will deliver bids, or invitations into their group, on that morning and potential new members will turn in bids later that day.

Any questions about the recruitment process can be directed to Director of Greek Life Eden Diehl.


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