MLK Week hosts events

With MLK Week wrapping up last week, it is important to recognize the great things Martin Luther King Jr. did for the nation and for civil rights within that nation. His march on Washington in 1963 and the speech that followed progressed civil rights to an unprecedented level.

With that in mind, it is important to recognize the role the US played in King’s life, including the note where the CIA encouraged Dr. King to harm himself, threatening his family and also threatening to tarnish his name.

With all of this in mind, Doane celebrates the work of Martin Luther King Jr. during MLK week by hosting a series of events focused on either the life of King, or the work that he did during his lifetime. There was a workshop and a panel discussion on civil rights on Jan. 23 and lunch and learn for civil rights discussion on Jan. 24, another Workshop Thursday. On Jan. 26, there was a candlelight vigil and two sessions with Marlon Johnson, a counselor primarily focused on race relations.

Doane hosts MLK week every year, as a celebration of the work and life that King did, and with this in mind, celebrates the work that Dr. King did. Also, a moment of silence to King’s child, Dexter Scott King, who passed away during this week.


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