Streaming services hold control

Over the last couple of years, streaming services have become more popular than ever. Having fan favorite movies and shows all in one place, and viewers can watch them at any time. However, with these streaming services, many people have found that some services have to pay more for ad-free shows.

Sophomores Jacob Eacker and Jordan Bocock and Senior Payton Detavernier think that paying more for ads is unreasonable.

“I believe that it’s quite overrated and annoying having to pay more for a subscription that already guarantees ad-free showing,” Eacker said.

Not only are these students upset about having to pay more for ad-free streaming, but they are also upset that these services are no longer allowing their streamers to share their passwords with family and friends.

“Password sharing is not a bad idea as long as you keep it in between people you truly trust,” Bocock said. “I don’t understand why we have to pay extra really. I mean I understand why they do it, so they can get more money. What I don’t understand is that they keep charging us more for streaming but also charge us for adding more profiles.”

When it comes to streaming services, these students mostly use Netflix, Peacock, Max, Hulu, ESPN and many others. So paying for all these services costs a lot of money, especially when they are paying for them every single month. “I think people are straying away from cable and going towards streaming services and companies are going to continue to raise their prices,” Detavernier said. Although all these streaming services are charging their streamers so much for ad-free and unlimited profiles, they are still going to use them no matter how much they cost.


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