For the first time in nearly eight years, the Student Congress is possibly revising the Constitution by potentially adding an amendment to it. A poll was sent out 10 days ago concerning whether or not the amendment should be passed.
“In either case, any proposed amendment shall become valid as a part of this constitution when ratified by a majority of the student body that vote,” as writes Article IX of the Student Congress Constitution. So any constitutional amendment needs 50 percent approval of the students who do vote.
Here is what each proposed amendment means, so students know what they voted for, as polls closed on Feb. 5th. The first proposed amendment, an addition to Article IV, Section III of the student constitution was the addition of the ability of the Treasurer of the Student Congress to audit all student organizations annually. Auditing is the practice of analyzing an organization’s financial records to make sure that they comply with all regulations and practices.
The second proposed amendment, an addition to Article XI, Section I was a statement that the committee (not specified) is to be overseen by a member of the Student Congress Executive Team. The third proposed amendment, an addition to Article XI, Section II, was a multifaceted statement. To summarize, it added new responsibilities to the Outreach Committee to provide further communication to the Doane Media Outlets, such as the Student Congress Webpage, The Doane Owl, Student Affairs and the Academic Success Center.
The fourth and final proposed amendment, an addition to Article XI, Section II, was a furthering of the responsibilities of the Programming Committee to help with the events, including buying supplies, invitation distribution and planning. They plan on helping in conjunction with the other coordinators, such as the Student Programming Board.
The amendments to the constitution might prove to be significant if they are passed, however, the poll information has not been released yet.