TRiO program to see play in Omaha

Among other activities, students see live theater

On March 2, the students involved in the TRiO program here at Doane University went to see a production of “The Lion King” at the Orpheum Theater in Omaha, Nebraska. The TRiO program is designed to provide equitable opportunities to people from disadvantaged backgrounds who want to go to Doane University.

As a part of this, the TRiO program sends students within the program to events, such as plays, art galleries and other events in order to enrich the experience of the students within the program. This goes to the goal of creating a more well-rounded culture on campus.

“It was wonderful. I loved being able to see the roof of the theater. It was out of this world, the production was amazing. I loved seeing the different ways they incorporated culture into the production itself. Along with the fact that it was definitely a once in a lifetime kind of experience,” sophomore Samantha Matute said, who is a student in the TRiO program.

The play follows the same plot as the Disney version and is critically renowned for its inventiveness with the source material. It is also worth noting that the premiere of this version of “The Lion King” was on Broadway.

This experience that the TRiO organization gave to the students within it is quintessential to the mission goal of the TRiO organization, “Increase retention and graduation rates among program participants by providing comprehensive, individualized academic support.” Students are eligible for the TRiO program through three avenues: First generation student, meaning that the student in question does not have parents who graduated from college, Income Eligibility, students have to fall below the Federal Income guidelines according to the Federal TRIO Programs Current Low-Income Levels and finally, students with a disability are also eligible for TRiO admittance.


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