Theatre to feature upcoming show

The Theatre Department is getting ready to perform its new show “The Delays.” “The Delays” takes place in an airport where people are constantly going somewhere, however, one specific group of people is going nowhere, but their small moments bring them closer together.

Junior Hailey Trahern, who plays Haskell, explains how her character basically starts the show as a jaded TSA Agent but ends the show as something else.

“I am so excited for the audience to be able to see themselves within the characters in our show,” Trahern said. “There are a lot of through-lines in the show that encapsulate just how big of a role you can play in a total stranger’s life story, and I hope our audience leaves with a renewed sense of hope and an introspective look back into their own life.”

Along with Trahern, the person who plays a wayward traveler is freshman Lillyann Buller. Her job throughout the show is to show up during the transitions between acts and help change the sets along with filling some space.

“I am so excited to share this show that is very near and dear to my heart,” Buller said. “When I first read the script in my Intro to Theater class, it made me look back on my life but also looked to the future. It made me realize that I don’t want to be ‘Delayed’ in my life, like so many of the characters in the show are.”

Although they are very excited for this show, there are definitely things they would change in a variety of ways.

“It’s hard to decide on anything to change because I love the show and our production so much, but if I had to change one thing I would probably change what to add an epilogue of sorts to the story, just to have a more final closure for all the characters,” Trahern said.

If you want to see Trahern and Buller and the rest of the cast and crew in “The Delays”, opening night will be on March 6 at 7:30 p.m. and closing night will be on March 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Whitcomb Lee Conservatory.


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