Royal family met with dislike

I have a strong dislike of the Royal Family of Britain, but of monarchial families in general as well. Their existence stands in opposition to everything that I stand to believe.

First, let’s talk about idol worship. In the land of Great Britain, there are no more notable and known figures than the Royal Family, and the thing is, the Royal Family is made up of awful people, sexual miscreants and actual racists. If anybody has seen “Dune” and read any interviews with Frank Herbert, the author of “Dune,” about his purpose in writing “Dune,” it becomes clear that the Royal Family is one of the things that would fall under his criticism.

That being a warning on endless idol worship, then it becomes apparent that these are the kinds of people that Frank Herbert was talking about, as in my opinion, the Royal Family does not deserve half of the notoriety that they get, for they do nothing.

Secondly, I am not a fan of nepotism. For those who do not know what nepotism is, it is the idea that some people’s wealth was given to them by their parents or some rich relative. The Royal Family of Britain is the textbook definition of the term ‘nepo-babies’, or the products of this idea.

The people within the Royal Family do not practice good behavior, meaning that they are awful people, and they only do philanthropic things in order to look good for the press. To that argument, the things that they do are the bare minimum, such as give a speech on why that problem of the month is bad, or they donate what is essentially pocket change, like 10 million dollars, to the issue of the month that will make them look the best. To borrow from J.R.R. Tolkien, I cordially dislike the Royal Family and everything that they stand for.


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