Doane alum returns as employee

Doane provides a variety of opportunities for their students and staff, especially those who just graduated. Doane alum Payton Detavernier, who was involved in a variety of organizations including Phi Sigma Tau, the TRIO program, and Shotgun sport, has decided that she wanted to express her experience at Doane to others, so she applied to be a Student Recruitment Specialist. 

“I recruit students from the Omaha and Lincoln areas as well as Texas and California,” Detavernier said. “I believe in Doane’s mission and how it has allowed me to grow as a person and as a leader, along with that I wanted to help other students experience that as well.” 

Along with helping Doane recruit more students, Detavernier and other alums are trying to figure out greater ways to benefit the student community. 

“I enjoy working for Doane so far,” Detavernier said. “It is great to be welcomed back as an employee and having that support system just like being a student, along with working with other alum and we often reflect on what our experiences looked like when we were students.” 

Going from a student to an employee, Detavernier explains how there is a huge difference. However, she sees firsthand what the faculty does to make sure the students have an amazing experience. 

“Being a student, you are immersed in the Doane experience,” Detavernier said. “But as a recruiter I get to help others experience the same thing.” 

Although Detavernier is sad that her Doane experience is over, she wants to make sure that other students are taking advantage of their college experiences. 

“Words of encouragement I would give to the students coming in this year would be to take it all in,” Detavernier said. “All the experiences, events, and people you meet all come. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get the Doane experience and don’t take it for granted.”


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