STUCO introduces freshman senators

It’s that time of year! School started back up, clubs and organizations are recruiting new members, and the Doane Student Congress team is looking for three new freshman senators. With all the fresh faces around campus come fresh ideas that will help shape our Student Congress.

This last week the Doane Student body voted on three new freshman senators to join the Student Congress Team, in hopes of bettering the campus. The new senators-elect are freshmen Juan Matos Hernandez, Derek Silva and Harrison Sjuts.

“All I ever hear is ‘we need this and we need that,’ but nobody wants to take that extra step,” Silva said, emphasizing his frustration with inaction.

He envisions a student congress that is proactive and responsive to student needs. To ensure accessibility, Silva plans to share his contact information widely, pledging to personally address every concern and advocate for his constituents directly to the student congress president.

When asked about specific initiatives, Silva highlighted the untapped potential of the campus disc golf course.

“We have a full course on our campus that’s just sitting there,” Silva said, pointing out that proposing a clean-up and renovation project is an achievable first step towards creating more recreational options for students.

Sjuts, drawing on his previous experience as a member of his high school student council, emphasized his dedication to building a stronger, more inclusive campus community. He believes his approachable nature will encourage open communication and foster a sense of trust between students and their representatives.

 “If a student has a need or want, I feel I am a person they can talk to,” Sjuts said.

Mental health is a key area of interest for Sjuts. He envisions initiatives that not only provide resources but also cultivate a culture of support and belonging.

“A mental health initiative that helps everyone feel included and loved is a great way to build a stronger community throughout campus,” Sjuts said.

Both Silva and Sjuts are actively campaigning, utilizing social media platforms to share their platforms and engaging in face-to-face interactions to connect with fellow students. Their energy and dedication to serving their peers are evident, promising an engaging election season focused on positive change.


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