Moderation key to video game habit

Video games can be defined as an interactive form of digital entertainment played on various devices like computers, consoles or cellphones. The story begins way back in the 1940s when Alan Turing invented an AI-informed chess game, according to an article by Concept Ventures. Since then, video games have become increasingly popular, especially in recent years. They are not only a form of entertainment but also a means of communication. Video games allow players to chat and call friends or even meet new people while playing.

But … are video games harmless, or are they a waste of time?

According to an article by Entertainment Computer, video games are a modern approach to cognitive enhancement and can improve the abilities of managers, including strategic thinking skills. They can serve as a form of stress relief, relaxation, and even a creative outlet. Additionally, video games are an effective way of communicating, allowing people at great distances to play together and meet new individuals.

However, it’s no secret that video games can be time-consuming. A study conducted in a Lebanese high school found that higher addiction to video gaming was significantly associated with worse attention, memory, processing speed and other cognitive functions. Excessive gaming can impact written expression skills and impair problem-solving abilities.

My personal take is that video games can have both positive and negative effects, depending on how they are used. They offer benefits like cognitive development and social interaction when enjoyed in moderation. However, excessive gaming may lead to negative consequences, particularly for those who struggle with time management. Like many hobbies, balance is key to ensuring video games remain a source of entertainment rather than a distraction.


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