Free flu shots to be offered on campus

Graphic by Hailey Schweitzer | The Doane Owl

Doane Public Health Solutions will host free flu shots for anyone with an insurance card on Oct. 1 and Oct. 18 between 12 and 2 p.m. at the lower level of the Perry Campus Center. Any student or staff member who offers their insurance will be allowed to receive a flu shot; there is no check-in. Attendees will sign a consent form and be given a vaccine information form regarding the components of the flu shot. International students may need to check through the university health services if their shots will be covered.

“Flu season peaks around October and November. Influenza is a seasonal upper respiratory infection that can make people feel quite poorly. It can cause fevers, coughs and shortness of breath, especially if you are immune compromised. It’s just a good idea to get the flu shot to keep yourself and others safe. We hope that this clinic can help keep people healthy,” Health & Wellness Director Andreea Baker said.

Baker says that flu season has shifted from being in October and November to later in the year in part due to COVID, but the health services at Doane are following the normal cycle for the flu and hope the shots can be a form of preventive care. Baker notes as well that as midterms and finals approach, students and staff report worse health due to a lack of sleep, proper nutrition and maintaining proper hygiene.

“Hopefully, getting the flu shot will help you recover better and make your symptoms less severe. Recovery typically lasts anywhere from five to seven days. Those are days out of class, away from practice and holed up,” Baker said. “College students who cheat on their sleep especially are at risk of being sick. I can tell you that there are definitely cycles of upticks of illnesses for students around this time of year.”

If you are feeling sick or unwell, visit the Student Health Services on the lower level of the Perry Campus Center.


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