Getting food as a student can be challenging, especially on the weekends when the dining hall is only open twice a day and you might have to go buy food with the limited money you might have. However, a new weekly event at Doane hopes to give a reprieve to many of these hungry students.
Dine:09 is a weekly event hosted in Lakeside on Saturdays from 9:09 to 10:00 p.m. Doane ResLife provides food for students both on-campus and off-campus. Students can either eat at Lakeside or bring their food back to their dorms or home.
“Residence Life & Education Director Brian Stutz asked our team to create this weekly event with a few goals in mind,” Community Director for Smith Hall Alexis Lipson said. “First, Crete has limited food options for students on the weekend — especially for those who may not have money or transportation to get to off campus options. Second, we want to provide an activity for students who otherwise may not have anything else to do over the weekends — we hope students know that there is always something to do on campus every Saturday night.”
Lipson wants Dine:09 to help bring Doane students together and get them connected with different clubs, organizations, campus resources, staff and even professors. Each Dine:09 has a different theme and organization for the event. They aim to help bring students to different organizations and groups while also providing a social aspect that students might be missing on the weekends.
“This event is a low-key, no stress, drop-in event,” Lipson said. “I know that some of the bigger events on campus can be scary to go to — not everyone enjoys big crowds and highly stimulating events. ResLife’s values are community, empowerment, and inclusion. This event aims to embrace those values by building community with our sponsors, empowering students to get out and about on the weekends and include students with different comfort levels when it comes to campus events.”
To encourage students to attend, all students who show up to a Dine:09 will be added to an end-of-the-year raffle. Students can acquire multiple raffle tickets by attending multiple Dine:09 events, so attending multiple events will result in higher odds of winning a prize.
The next Dine:09 event will be held on Feb. 15, in Lakeside at 9:09 p.m. and will be sponsored by CAPE and feature free totchos.