The Owl asks students to complete AI survey for Honors Program capstone project

Dear Doane Students,

AI is here and the Honors Program capstone course needs your help! Artificial Intelligence (AI) has majorly transformed higher education. As we navigate the role of AI at Doane, we need input from you about your concerns, opinions, and use of AI. Whether you are a residential or non-residential student, an undergraduate or a graduate student–we want to hear from you! We ask that you please complete this short survey for a chance to win one of two $50 e-gift cards. All of your responses will be confidential.

You can access the short survey by clicking here. This is an anonymous survey unless you choose to share your email with us for a chance to win an incentive (even then your responses are kept confidential).

Please complete the survey by March 7, at 11:59 p.m.

Your input is valuable to us as our senior capstone project in the Honors Program aims to form an AI use policy at Doane as well as an AI-focused workshop and educational material. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Dr. Kari Gentzler, Faculty Advisor, at

We truly appreciate your time. Thank you for helping us with our research!


The Senior Honors Students

Libbie Clevette

John Dawes

Quincey Johnson

Anna Prauner

Macie Sefrit


Kari Gentzler, Faculty Advisor
