On Jan. 5, Puerto Rican rapper Benito Martínez, better known by his stage name “Bad Bunny,” released his most recent album titled Debí tirar más fotos, or Dtmf (I Should’ve Taken More Pictures).
Ever since, I’ve been listening to it nonstop. The whole album is amazing—it is probably one of my favorite albums, honestly. The main song of the album, which shares the album’s title, caught my attention. The whole theme of the album is nostalgia and remembering people in your past—lovers, family, friends, etc. But Dtmf talks about how he wishes he had taken more pictures when he had someone, how he should have appreciated moments more, and how he should have hugged people more.
While the main meaning you can take from the song is to appreciate your significant other, it also applies to family, friends, and special moments. He says, “I hope my people never move away,” which makes me think of my friends at home. I hope we remain friends regardless of where we live. After all, the only thing we have left is memories and pictures.
The song makes me very nostalgic; it makes me think of all those moments that have passed and the ones happening now that might never repeat themselves. I’ll never be 18 again. In fact, I’ll be 19 in just a couple of weeks. All we really have is today—so from now on, I’ll make sure to take more pictures.
As Benito says, “Let’s enjoy this; you never know how much time we have left.”