
Cleaning the digital closet

If you’re a somewhat messy person, you’ve probably had the experience of cleaning your closet and suddenly going down memory lane with old possessions like yearbooks, toys, or arts and crafts. This brings back great memories, and sometimes bittersweet ones. Well, over break, I experienced this; but in digital form. Specifically, while looking through my

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Practice your literacy

Most people take their own literacy for granted. The ability to read and write is by all means a privilege; you have the freedom to understand the world around you and freely communicate authentically to your personality freely. Most people simply see themselves as fully literate now and tomorrow and for the rest of their

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A change in routine

As finals and Thanksgiving break approaches, many students feel pressured. Whether it is assignments piling up, encounters with family, athletics, preparing for graduation, or figuring out how next semester is going to turn out, this can often be a stressful time for many. When they are stressed, the most common response is to withdraw, whether

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