SAAM finishes with organized walk

Walk and run hosted to raise money for survivors

Courtesy Graphic | Chi Delta

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is concluding as April comes to an end and with that comes one last event, #Steps $4 Them, a community walk and run held on April 28, which has participants paying a four-dollar entry fee that will go to sexual assault prevention centers and charities such as the Crete Hope Crisis Center. Anyone who pays the entry fee will do either a one-mile walk or a 5k run on the southeast corner of campus where the cross country course is, and any participants will be eligible for a raffle with prizes such as a free pair of shoes.

“This event encourages our community to come together in support of survivors on our campus and everywhere in the world and to recognize the important work of victim service,” Campus Advocacy Prevention and Education (CAPE) Project Director Jaden Hilkemann said. “Organizations like the Hope Crisis Center, our local, non-profit, victim service organization which provides advocacy and confidential emergency services to victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse.”

The events CAPE has hosted this month are meant to help foster community and support within Doane to stand against sexual assault. Hilkemann hopes that CAPE has encouraged students to use the resources at their disposal and advocate for survivors over the course of SAAM.

“My hope, as we close out SAAM, is that students know all of their resources, they know how to help a friend, and they recognize that sexual assault is a prevalent issue that requires everyone in the community to end rape culture, be an upstander and stand in solidarity with survivors,” Hilkemann said.

Students who win the raffle will have a free voucher for Lincoln Running Club, where they can get any pair of shoes they want for free. There are also trophies given to anyone who runs the fastest time and wears the best costume, among other awards that will be announced.

Students who wish to pay the entry fee can pay either at the event or use the link sent via the CAPE email announcement about the event.

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