The Current Legal Issues class at Doane University is going to be presenting their mock opinions on May 8 from 6 to 7 p.m. in Gaylord 427. The opinions are going to be centered around the Supreme Court (SC) case “US v. Rahimi,” a 2024 case about gun control.
The presenters are sophomore Jenny Cardoso, senior Emma Dobrec, freshman Jordynn Jerby and junior Anna Prauner. The presenters decided what case they wanted to cover, the only stipulations being that they could not pick a case that was already decided and they could not pick a case that had not been argued yet.
“Each of the students has been randomly assigned a Supreme Court justice. People attending the showcase will hear the arguments our students believe these justices will make when the Rahimi ruling comes out this summer,” Professor Tim Hill said.
The issue of “US v. Rahimi” is whether or not the government’s restrictions on people owning firearms if they have a civil domestic assault charge a violation of the Second Amendment.
The presenters have to give opinions on the case in the voice of their assigned Justice. The purpose of the exercise is to give students an idea of what lawyers have to deal with.
“That’s good practice for life as an attorney: practicing lawyers often have to zealously advocate for their clients, even when they don’t fully believe in the client’s cause,” Hill said.
Any students who have any questions about the event itself can contact Hill at tim.hill@doane.edu.